Find tips for growing
grass in shady areas
Brian Jervis: Ask a Master Gardener
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Q: I simply cannot get grass to grow under
my oak tree after reseeding it several times. Is there a best grass to use?
Dwayne, Tulsa
This is a common problem
in Tulsa, where we have these wonderful huge shade trees. The shade is good,
but growing grass under them is challenging.

When there is not enough sunlight for the grass
you wish to grow, there are some steps you may take to improve chances of
success. These are outlined in a very helpful OSU fact sheet, “Managing
Turfgrass in the Shade in Oklahoma,” available from the Master Gardener
website,, in the turfgrass
If your situation is such that pruning of trees
and shrubs could be done for shade management, without harming the plants, this
may allow more sunlight and may improve chances of success.
Plus, alterations in how you manage the grass
may improve shade tolerance. If you mow the lawn tall in shaded areas (3 inches
or more for tall fescue and 2 inches for Bermuda and Zoysia) it will produce
more grass blade surface to absorb available sunlight.
Grasses in the shade have improved chances of
survival if they receive less fertilizer than the usual amounts recommended.
Also, it is better to use more frequent applications of smaller amounts to
avoid a surge in growth demand. These grasses also need less water since they
take longer to dry out after rain or irrigation. Look to see if the soil is dry
before irrigating.
Try to keep the weed competition under control
by hand or with herbicides. If using herbicides read the label carefully about
the use in shaded areas, some may be more toxic in shade. It is also helpful to
remove leaves or other debris that has fallen onto the lawn as soon as possible
to prevent blockage of available light.
And if you continue to fail in growing grass in
shade after two to three years, it may be time to consider a different strategy
to manage your shaded areas. These shady spots can go from being a problem to
an asset by planting shade-tolerant ground covers, ornamentals and installing
some hardscape (stone element) structures. After establishment the need for
maintenance is much less than struggling with turfgrass.
The OSU fact sheet referred to above has a
useful section on alternative plantings for areas too shady for lawn grass.
Suggestions for annuals are plants such as caladium, impatiens; perennials
suggestions include such things as hellebores, hostas, ajuga, Japanese painted
ferns and many others. There is also a list of groundcovers, vines and several
shade-tolerant shrubs. From this information, you should be able to design and
build an attractive shade garden.
6-25-16 Garden Tips
Mulch ornamentals, vegetables, and
annuals. This reduces soil crusting, cools soil and conserves moisture during
hot summer months. Mulch also helps prevent weeds and reduces likelihood of
mechanical damage from lawn equipment.
Mulching will reduce about 70 percent of the summer yard
· A disease called
“fireblight” is prevalent now. It may infect over a 100 plants in the rose
family, but especially apples, crabapples, pears, quince and pyracantha. The
bacterial disease is spread by insects and rain and enters the plant through
open blossoms. Once infected, the leaves on the involved limb turn brown
looking like they have been scorched (hence the name) and that limb dies. The
only treatment is to remove the dead limbs. An antibiotic spray can be helpful
but only during full bloom and only used to prevent the disease. Some trees are
more susceptible than others, consideration should be given to planting disease
resistant varieties.