New treatment
recommendations help combat crapemyrtle scale
Bill Sevier: Ask a Master Gardener
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Q: I have what I have been told is crape
myrtle scale. How do I get rid of it? Lee, Tulsa.

This insect is
new to our area but is fairly prevalent. It came to the U.S. from
Asia and first appeared in North-central Texas in 2004. It has subsequently spread northward into the
Tulsa area from nursery stock and other sources of imported crape myrtles. This
is the reason one should always inspect nursery crape
myrtles for scale insect before purchase.
Like other scales, the life cycle begins with
either the female scale or eggs overwintering on the crape myrtle under loose
bark. When the eggs hatch, small mobile “crawlers” are produced, which migrate
on the plant and may be spread to other crape myrtles by wind or birds. There
may be two to three generations produced per year depending on the
Once the female is fully developed, she mates
and attaches to the stems and trunks of the crape myrtle, where she remains
fixed and lays eggs for the next generation. She dies shortly thereafter, but
the eggs survive under her covering until they hatch.
As the scales feed, they release a liquid called
“honeydew.” This is similar to the behavior of aphids. The sugars in honeydew
may support the growth of a fungus called “sooty mold.” This overgrowth
produces large black patches on the bark of the crape myrtle. The mold is
unsightly but is not significant in terms of the plant’s health.
This pest is easy to identify because it is the
only scale insect to infest crape myrtles. The adult female is usually about 2
millimeters long and has a distinctive gray-white felt-like covering. When one
of the females is crushed, a pink blood-like fluid is released.
The current recommendations for control are
removal by hand and the use of winter dormant oils. Scrub down the trunk of the
crape myrtle with a mild solution of dish-washing soap and water using a long-handled brush to remove the scale and sooty mold. This is effective.
Another treatment recommended is to spray the
trunks of the trees with dormant oil in late winter. Winter dormant oil spray
is a stronger concentration of a petroleum-based oil that is used in summer.
Neem oil, while in other applications, will not be effective for this scale in
Previously, systemic insecticides in the
neonicotinoid family were recommended. These chemicals enter into the
circulation of plants and kill the pest when they feed on the sap. They have
been shown to be effective against crape myrtle bark scale but are no longer
recommended. The reason for the change in
policy is the concern that these insecticides enter the blossoms of
crape myrtles and would be harmful to bees and other pollinating insects.
Garden tips
§ Divide and replant crowded hybrid iris (bearded
iris) when dormant — July, August and into September. When planting, take care
not to plant the rhizomes too deeply. Cover them with an inch of soil or less.
Do not mulch iris.
§ Water all plants deeply and early in the
morning. Most plants need approximately 1 to 2 inches of water per week. Rather
than watering daily, water less often and more deeply.
§ Some trees such as sycamores and river birches
lose large numbers of leaves in the heat of summer. Trees do this to reduce
water loss from their leaves. It is a coping action by the tree; it is not