Options for shade plants
are plentiful
Brian Jervis, Ask a Master Gardener
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Q: I am wondering what plants you would
recommend for a shady area. I am interested in some shrubs and perennials that
are low maintenance. Terri, Tulsa.

For shrubs, azaleas do well with a few hours of
sun, but Encore or reblooming azaleas need mostly sun with afternoon shade.
Additional shade shrubs to consider are aucuba, leatherleaf mahonia, nandina,
various hollies, yews, dogwoods and others. The aucuba is a favorite that grows
in full shade. Its large evergreen variegated leaves have a tropical
While many perennials must have sun, a large
number have excellent tolerance of shade. High on the list are hellebores and
hostas. Several cultivars of hellebores are not only evergreen with thick
leathery leaves but also are unique in blooming in mid-winter to early spring.
Hostas are widely used because of the appeal of form, shades of green,
variegation and different sizes.
Many varieties of ferns do well either in a
mixed bed or as a distinct fern garden. Other shade perennials are Astilbe,
coral bells, toad lilies, Italian arum, sweet woodruff, goatsbeard and bleeding
hearts; they add the eye-catching appeal of blooms and unique foliage colors
and patterns.
Chinese ginger is a shade favorite with
attractive leaves, which, like hellebores, are evergreen. It will spread slowly
after established and do well in the shade year after year.
Perennial groundcovers to fill the shade garden
are numerous. English ivy is an old favorite and is tough, evergreen and
problem-free. One of the varieties of lamium is useful. Most are variegated and
are semi-evergreen. They spread rapidly. An additional good choice for a shade
groundcover is one of the pachysandras. They are evergreen and slow to spread
but are worth the wait.
Some other plants to consider for groundcovers
are ajuga, liriope (lily turf or monkey grass) and Mondo grass. A sedge called
Carex or “Ice Dancer” was one of the Oklahoma Proven selections this year. It
grows to 12 inches in full shade and would
be an interesting addition to the shade garden.
Annuals that have some color and tolerate heavy
shade are cultivars of coleus, impatiens, begonias, caladium, fuchsia and sweet
alyssum. Coleus and caladium come in many colors and are used for their attractive foliage. Impatiens and sweet
alyssum are much used. They both have a range of blossom colors; the
white-blossomed ones will light up their spot in a dark shade garden.
There are many others, but, as
stated, these are readily available and proven to do well in our area.
For more information or to ask a question about
gardening, contact the Master Gardeners at 918-746-3701 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Garden tips
§ Watch for fall specials at garden centers and
nurseries because fall is a great time for planting many ornamentals. Choose
spring-flowering bulbs as soon as available.
§ Fertilize established fescue lawns with one
pound of actual nitrogen fertilizer per 1000 square feet now and again in
November. Do not fertilize Bermuda or zoysia lawns until next spring. Late
fertilization of these warm-season grasses may promote disease.
§ Winter broadleaf weeds like dandelion will begin
to emerge in late September, which is also the best time to control them with a
2, 4-D type herbicide.