Planning for a Spring Vegetable Garden
Brian Jervis: Ask a
Master Gardener
Sunday, January 20,
Q: What suggestions do
you have for those of us starting to plan for our spring gardens this year?
Also, what resources are available? Lisa P., Tulsa

One simple thing you
can do is to review your experiences from previous years. What worked? Why did
it work? What didn’t work? Why didn’t it work? What do I want to do the same
and different this year?
If you are growing
vegetable crops, which crops prospered? Which ones struggled? Which pests
caused the most trouble? How can I better control them? Did my garden take too
much of my time? Should I make some adjustments in how I water and care for my
One of the things we
hope will become an even more valuable resource to you than it was in the past
is the sort of new Tulsa Master Gardener website (
It’s celebrating its one-year anniversary. We’ve spent a lot of time updating
the interface to be more user-friendly and have uploaded an abundance of
gardening resources to help you become a more successful gardener.
In our Lawn &
Garden Help section, you will find information on a variety of topics, such as
general landscaping, flowers, trees and shrubs, soil, vegetables, fruits, nuts,
berries, insects and butterfly gardens. You will also find sections on organic
and Earth-kind practices, types of gardens, fertilizers and pesticides,
pruning, composting, water conservation, etc.
If your plans for the
year include a vegetable garden, we have information and videos on which
varieties do well in our area, the best times to plant, garden layouts, how to
plant tomatoes, etc. If your plans include flowers, we have recommendations for
annuals and perennials that do well in our area.
We are fully aware
there is a lot of information available on the internet about gardening, but it
is sometimes hard to determine if the advice or suggestion is appropriate for
our area. On our site, you will know the information you read or the
instructional videos you watch will be university research-based information
appropriate for the Tulsa County gardening community. Here are three of the
more popular OSU Fact Sheets for your reading pleasure during these cold days.
Simply Google them.
• HLA-6005 Oklahoma Garden Planning Guide
• HLA-6408 Landscape Maintenance Schedule
• HLA-6033 Raised Bed Gardening
However, our website
is not the only way we can help you prepare for this new year. Our Diagnostic
Center is staffed from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Friday with Master Gardeners who
would love to share what they know about gardening. You can call us or email
your questions via the information below. We hope you have a great garden this
year and would love to help.
- Several early season vegetables
are grown from seeds and planted as sprouts or transplants. Some examples
are cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, head lettuce, onions, tomatoes,
peppers and eggplant. Most of these take 5-7 weeks from planting indoors
until ready for transplanting into the garden. Onions take a little longer
to grow.
- Of these, cabbage, cauliflower,
lettuce and onions sprouts should be set out from mid-February to
mid-March. Plant broccoli sprouts in March. Tomatoes, peppers and
eggplants need warmth and suggested planting time is mid-April, although
many people take a gamble and plant earlier, depending on the weather. Look
for seeds at local gardening centers or online now.
- Even though there may be
adequate moisture in the ground, it is normal for evergreen broad-leaved shrubs to appear “wilted” during extreme cold. This is rapidly reversible
after the temperatures warm. This is a way some plants have in dealing
with the cold.
- Try to keep fallen leaves off
newly seeded fescue. Fescue is capable of growing roots in winter unless
the ground gets extremely cold. A good root system will help fescue to
better tolerate the heat next summer. In order to grow roots, the grass
needs sunlight.