Starting a Vegetable Garden in
Tom Ingram: Ask a Master Gardener
Sunday, March 31, 2019
Q: It’s so nice
outside, am I safe to start my vegetable garden now? CT

For example, oftentimes, people will say
St. Patrick’s Day is the time to plant potatoes. There is no potato magic in
St. Patrick’s Day, other than in a normal year you are probably OK planting on
this day. The truth about when to plant potatoes is based on when the soil
temperature is appropriate for planting.
According to the OSU Extension, soil
temps need to be above 50 degrees before we plant potatoes. At the writing of
this article, soil temps at a depth of 4 inches are hovering around 51 degrees.
So we’re just entering optimal conditions for potato planting.
Cold soils also inhibit seed germination
of some of our more popular vegetables, such as tomatoes, squash, cucumber or
peppers. To overcome this challenge, it is common for gardeners to start seeds
indoors so the plants will be ready to go outside when it warms up.
If you have been to any of the garden
centers in northeast Oklahoma recently, you will have noticed racks of seeds
and seed starting supplies. Many of us have already gotten our seeds started
and can’t wait to get them out in the sun. But if we move them outside too
early, we run the risk of a late freeze damaging our fragile new plants. In
northeast Oklahoma, we typically say we should be safe after April 15, which is
still a couple of weeks away. But it’s not unusual for us to have a late
freeze. Last year, we had one night with a low of 28 degrees the first week of
April, so if you jump the gun, be ready to spend some time covering your
Sometimes, talking about the need to
find out what your soil temperature is at various depths can be a little
intimidating. But don’t let that scare you off. In Oklahoma, we have a
wonderful resource called the Mesonet. The Mesonet is a joint project between
OU and OSU with at least one weather monitoring station in each county. You can
visit for
an abundance of weather information, including rainfall and soil temperatures.
For more information on starting and
growing vegetables, visit the “hot topics” section on our home page to find a
link that will take you to an abundance of information to help you be a more
successful vegetable gardener.
- Our annual spring educational
Lunch & Learn classes at the Tulsa Central Library downtown have
- One of our most anticipated
events is currently underway: The Master Gardener Plant Sale. You can
choose from more than 200 plants, including annuals, perennials, grasses,
herbs, tomatoes, succulents and stepables.
To find out more
information on any of these and other opportunities, visit our website at