Sunday, April 12, 2020 By: Ask A Master Gardener

Master Gardeners Springtime Activities During ClOVID-19 Times

Brian Jervis: Ask a Master Gardener
Sunday, April 12, 2020
If there is any type of silver lining to be found in what we are currently going through, it will likely be found in doing things we have wanted to do and never done, or having the time to fan the flames of an old passion.
For many of us, that would include a desire to either start a vegetable garden or renew our efforts in that area. It’s a shame that it took a coronavirus to get us there, but perhaps this is also a lesson we will learn moving forward: Don’t put off the things that truly bring us joy. And for many of us, gardening is a great source of joy.
One thing that brings the Master Gardeners joy is our yearly plant sale. It is a lot of work, but we like nothing better than helping you get awesome flowers, veggies and herbs to take home to your garden. However, as you know, we had to cancel the plant sale this year so that we could do our part to help us all stay safe and healthy.
We even had to close our Diagnostic Center at the OSU Extension. But please know that even though it is currently closed, we are still at work answering your questions and providing the best gardening advice we can. How are we doing this, you might ask? Good question.
At the end of this article, you will see a phone number and email address for our Diagnostic Center. While we do not go into the office, we have Master Gardeners who are monitoring the phone messages and emails and responding to your questions in a timely manner Monday through Friday. In addition, we have our Facebook page where we share daily garden tips, as well as insect coloring pages for the kids.
Did you know we have a YouTube channel? Well we do, and it hosts our video podcast called Garden Talk. In each Garden Talk episode, we discuss a variety of topics, which usually include Pest of the Week, Plant of the Week, Right Now (advice on what to be doing in your garden right now) and answers to some of your questions. There are currently more than 50 videos there, including full episodes, as well as breakout videos on individual topics. To find them, go to YouTube and search Tulsa County Master Gardeners.
Last, but certainly not least, is our website ( This site not only contains information on the various programs the Master Gardeners are involved with throughout our community, but also we have an extensive Lawn and Garden Help section that includes not only links to a variety of helpful garden topics, but also a lot of instructional videos.
So the Master Gardeners are still here to help you in a variety of ways. Good luck, stay safe, and maybe start that vegetable garden you’ve always wanted.
Garden tips

·        Don’t spray insecticides during fruit tree bloom or pollination may be affected. Disease sprays can continue according to schedule and label directions.
·        Mowing of warm-season lawns can begin now. Cutting height for bermudagrass and zoysia grass should be 1 to 1½ inches high, and buffalo grass 1½ to 3 inches high.
·        Harden off transplants outside in partial protection from sun and wind prior to planting.
·        Hummingbirds arrive in Oklahoma in early April. Get your bird feeders ready using 1 part sugar to 4 parts water. Do not use red food coloring.


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