Consider many factors
before planting trees
Bill Sevier: Ask a Master Gardener
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Q: Which trees are best planted in fall and
which in spring? P.M., Tulsa
When you plant a tree, it
potentially will be with you the rest of your life, so it is best to make all
the correct decisions about the what, when and how part of the process.

Fall is by far the best time to plant
container-grown, as well as most balled and burlapped trees and shrubs.
However, bare-rooted and evergreen plants should be planted in spring.
Bare-rooted plants must grow new roots to survive, and new roots are stimulated
by buds opening in spring. Evergreen plants lose water in winter and, if
planted in fall, do not usually have enough root system to support their water
Trees planted in fall have been shown to
outperform those planted in spring by a significant margin. Trees planted then
will have fall, a large part of winter and the following spring to develop a
more extensive root system in preparation for the following growing season.
When selecting a tree, consider not only the
visual appeal, but also the growing requirements (sun or shade, soil type),
mature height and spread, and nuisance factors. Some trees have undesirable
seed production and pest susceptibilities. Always think of the mature height of
the tree if it will be close to power lines or buildings. Another useful
suggestion is to get the largest tree you can afford and can plant yourself.
OSU has a fact sheet, F-6414 “Planting Trees and
Shrubs,” which has detailed information for a guide. The basics, as outlined in
the fact sheet, are:
- Look for soil drainage problems
and correct them.
- Perform a soil test to
determine fertility and acidity status.
- Dig a hole 2 to 3 times as wide
as the root ball, but no deeper than the root ball itself.
- In clay soil, plant the tree 2
to 4 inches above grade to help with drainage.
- Use no amendments in the
backfill soil.
- Mulch with 2 to 4 inches of
loose organic matter. Do not put plastic under the mulch.
- Keep a several-foot-wide
grass-free circle around young trees for two years.
- Do not prune back the top of
the tree or any branches on the trunk unless damaged.
- Fertilize trees and shrubs on
the soil surface only if needed by soil test. Then use only nutrients
- Stake only if needed due to the
tree’s structure or if it is on a slope or windy area. Then do so for only
one growing season.
- Maples, ash and other young
trees may sun scald in winter if not wrapped. Wrap trunks in fall and remove in spring.
Proper selection and planting of trees will add
beauty to your landscape, as well as supply shade and shelter for you and the
next generation.
Garden tips
§ Begin preparing your outdoor plants for a move
indoors. Move houseplants indoors when the outside and indoor temperatures are
about the same. For plants in full sun, move to shade. Begin with light and
then heavier shade over a week’s time to prepare the plant for the low light
indoors. If you move the plant from full sun to a low light indoor situation,
the plant may experience “shock”, lose leaves and perform poorly inside.
§ Inspect plants for insects and disease and treat
accordingly. In many cases, a few insects can be controlled by hosing down the
plant and removing by hand. Another option is to use an insecticidal soap
spray. This is effective and safe for you and your plant.
§ Also consider drenching the soil with 2-3 pot
volumes of water to help remove insects and residual fertilizer salts.
'Ask a Master Gardener'
The Tulsa Master Gardeners have been writing a
weekly column for the Tulsa World for eight years.
Those columns have been compiled in "Ask a
Master Gardener: Common Lawn and Garden Questions," now available for
purchase in paperback on Amazon for $14.95.
All profits from the book sales go to the Tulsa
Master Gardener Foundation, which funds all of its community volunteer
activities.To purchase the book, go to