scale insects can infest crapemyrtles
Brian Jervis: Ask a Master Gardener
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Q: My crapemyrtle tree has some type of insect on the trunk. They look to be
covered with cotton. What is this? T. R., Tulsa
Master Gardeners are now seeing it regularly in their office. Most
of CMBS seems to have been spread by nursery stock and on plants purchased in
one area and used in another. The female scales cannot fly.
Like other scales, the life cycle begins with either the female
scale or eggs overwintering on the crapemyrtle under loose bark. When the eggs
hatch, small mobile “crawlers” are produced, which migrate on the plant and may
be spread to other crapemyrtles by wind or birds. These crawlers mature into
adults. There may be 2-3 generations produced per year depending on the
Once the female is fully developed, she mates and attaches to the
stems and trunks of the crapemyrtle where she remains fixed and lays eggs for
the next generation. She dies shortly thereafter, but the eggs survive under
her covering until they hatch.
As the scales feed, they release a liquid, called “honeydew.” This
is similar to the behavior of aphids. The sugars in honeydew may support the
growth of a fungus called “sooty mold.” This overgrowth produces large black
patches on the bark of the crapemyrtle, which is not significant in terms of
the plant’s health.
This pest is easy to identify because it is the only scale insect
to infest crapemyrtles. The adult female is usually about 2mm long and has a
distinctive gray-white felt-like covering. When one of the females is crushed,
a pink blood-like fluid is released.
Treatment strategies for this insect are still being evaluated.
One nonchemical approach is to scrub down the trunk of the crapemyrtle with a
mild solution of dishwashing soap and water using a long-handled brush to
remove scale and sooty mold.
Summer horticultural oils recommended for other scales are not
thought to be useful, but using heavier dormant oils applied to the trunks in
late winter may be effective.
Systemic insecticides when applied as a drench to the plant’s root
zone may offer the best control. The insecticide chemicals shown to be
effective are imidacloprid, thiomethoxam and dinotefuran. These generics are
sold under several brand names. They should be applied between May and July as
it takes a few weeks for the chemicals to be absorbed into the plant’s vascular
system and before protection will start.
For more information, go to OSU’s Pest E-alert website for an
excellent discussion.
Garden tips
for fall specials at garden centers and nurseries because fall is a great time
for planting many ornamentals. Choose spring flowering bulbs as soon as
established fescue lawns with one pound of actual nitrogen fertilizer per 1000
square feet now and again in November. Do not fertilize Bermuda or zoysia lawns
until next spring. Late fertilization of these warm season grasses may promote
broadleaf weeds like dandelion will begin to emerge in late September, which is
also the best time to control them with a 2, 4-D type herbicide.
and early October is garlic planting time with an aim for harvest in June of
next year. There are many varieties from which to choose. OSU suggests German
Red, Inchilium Red, Silverskin and Spanish Roja for varieties that do well in
our are
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