Poison ivy, poison oak
share many similarities
Brian Jervis: Ask a Master Gardener
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Q: I think I can recognize poison ivy;
what does poison oak look like? Do we have it in Oklahoma? How can I identify
it? A. G., Tulsa

There is a third plant in the “poison” group
called poison sumac. It is rare in Oklahoma and more common to the south and
east coastal states.
Some of the keys to identifying poison oak and
poison ivy are interchangeable. They both have leaflets of three to a stem. The
leaflets and stems are distributed on the plant in an alternating fashion, and
they are not opposite each other where they originate. Likewise, the leaf veins
are not opposite but alternate where they connect in the center of the leaf.
Of the three leaves, the middle one has a much
longer stem than the other two. If leaves have no stems, it is a different
plant. The leaf size and shape are variable for poison ivy, but poison oak
typically has a shape similar to a white oak, with scalloped edges, and may be
6 or more inches long. Both plants are extremely colorful in the fall.
Poison ivy and poison oak have small off-white
flowers, which produce white pea-sized berries. If berries are red, blue or
purple, it is not one of these. Each of these plants can grow as a shrub
several feet tall. Poison ivy may form a vine but not poison oak. The poison
ivy vine may be an inch or more across and almost always has dense hair-like
aerial rootlets for attachment to trees. Vines grow straight up a tree. If the
vine twines or circles a tree it is not likely poison ivy.
In winter, identification is difficult. If
berries are still present, this helps, but an expert is required to identify
bare stems. It should be kept in mind that the toxin in these plants,
“urushiol”, is present in the stems and fruits of both plants in all seasons
and is capable of causing the typical rash.
Master Gardeners are often asked to identify a
plant as to whether it is poison ivy. There are several plants that may have
three leaves or other characteristics causing confusion with poison ivy and
poison oak. Some plants often having three leaves are bladdernut shrub,
boxelder tree sprouts, aromatic sumac, skunkbush sumac and wild blackberry.
Other plants that may form vines and can be confused with the poisonous ones
are Virginia creeper (five leaves), wild grape and Boston and English ivy.
Garden tips
§ Now is a good time to fertilize spring-blooming
bulb plants. Use only nitrogen unless a soil test indicates a need for
phosphorus and potassium. If you are not sure where the plants are, wait until
spring and fertilize when the leaves first emerge. These plants' root systems
are inactive from bloom time in spring until the following fall. Fertilizing
them at that time will result in waste.
§ Dig and store tender perennials like dahlias and
caladiums in a cool, dry location. Cannas and elephant ears can also be dug,
but most will survive the winter fine if mulched heavily and in a sheltered
§ Plant fall mums and asters and keep them watered
during dry conditions. Don’t crowd because they take a couple of years to reach
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