Crapemyrtle Bark Scale
Allen Robinson: Ask a
Master Gardener
Tuesday, August 1,
Q: I have white spots
that turn to a blackish mold on my crape myrtles. What is it and how do I get
rid of it? Tricia, Tulsa.
It is an insect pest
that is called crape myrtle bark scale. This insect is relatively new to our
area but has become fairly prevalent. It came to the U.S. from Asia and first
appeared in north-central Texas in 2004. It has subsequently spread northward
into the Tulsa area from nursery stock and other sources of imported crape
myrtles. This is the reason one should always inspect nursery crape myrtles for
scale insect before purchase.
Like other scales, the
life cycle begins with either the female scale or eggs overwintering on the
crape myrtle under loose bark. When the eggs hatch, small mobile “crawlers” are
produced, which migrate on the plant and may be spread to other crape myrtles
by wind or birds. There may be two to three generations produced per year
depending on temperatures.
Once the female is
fully developed, she mates and attaches to the stems and trunks of the crape
myrtle, where she remains fixed and lays eggs for the next generation. She dies
shortly thereafter, but the eggs survive under her covering until they hatch.
As the scales feed,
they release a liquid called “honeydew.” This is similar to the behavior of
aphids. The sugars in honeydew may support the growth of a fungus called “sooty
mold.” This overgrowth produces large black patches on the bark of the crape
myrtle. The mold is unsightly and creates a reduction in aesthetic quality, but
it is not significant in terms of the plant’s health.
Garden tips
Divide and replant crowded hybrid iris (bearded iris) after
flowering until August. When planting, take care not to plant the rhizomes too
deeply. Cover them with an inch of soil or less. Do not mulch iris
Water all plants deeply and early in the morning. Most plants
need approximately 1 to 2 inches of water per week. Rather than watering daily,
water less often and more deeply.
Some trees such as sycamores and river birches lose large
numbers of leaves in the heat of summer. Trees do this to reduce water loss
from their leaves. It is a coping action by the tree; it is not dying.
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