Planting Trees in Fall
Allen Robinson: Ask a
Master Gardener
Tuesday, October 31,
Q: I have heard that
fall is a good time to plant trees. Is that true? If so, what do I need to do
to be successful? Roger L., Broken Arrow

Of all the newly
planted trees that die in the first few years, the problem is almost always due
to faulty planting techniques and inadequate aftercare.
First, it is best to
dig a wide but shallow, saucer-shaped hole about three times the diameter of
the tree’s root ball and no deeper than the root ball itself. If you simply dig
a hole the size of the root ball, particularly in clay soil, it will be similar
to planting in a clay pot, and the tree will be either too dry or too wet much
of the time. If you are planting in high clay soils, to help with root system
drainage, the hole should be shallow enough to elevate the crown of the root
ball 2-3 inches above grade.
When planting trees,
it is recommended that you use only native soil for backfill. Studies have
shown that trees do better if no amendments are added back to the native soil,
as it may delay establishment and promote disease. If you decide to fertilize,
apply a slow-release type only to the top of the soil after planting.
Eliminating grass from
the tree’s base significantly improves its growth rate and health. After
planting, apply 2-4 inches of loose mulch to a 4- to 6-foot circle around the
base of the tree and keep it well mulched for the first three years. This
circle will keep unwanted grass away from the dripline and weed eaters away
from the tree trunk.
All newly planted
trees need supplemental watering for the first three years until a mature root
system develops. They need at least one inch of water per week and more if
extremely hot and windy conditions exist. Wilting of the trees’ leaves may
indicate a need for more water, but be aware that too much water can also
produce wilting. If in doubt, simply feel the soil.
If the tree is on a
slope or in a windy area, stake it only until the tree feels firm in the
ground, which could take up to one year. After the first growing season, remove
the stakes. If not removed, the stakes will adversely affect the tree’s
structural integrity and delay tree growth.
Garden tips
- Keep leaves off newly seeded
fescue to prevent damage to the sprouts. Also, the soil of newly seeded
fescue should kept moist until the sprouts are about 2 inches, then water
less often and for longer times to encourage deep root growth of the
- Remove garden debris to prevent
many garden pests and diseases from overwintering in these materials.
- Plant cool-season cover crops
like Austrian winter peas, wheat, clover and rye in otherwise fallow
garden plots.
- Cover water gardens with
netting to keep out falling leaves.