Options for Old Christmas Trees After the Holidays
Brian Jervis: Ask a
Master Gardener
Tuesday, January 02,
Q: Now that the
holidays are winding down, what options do I have to deal with the disposal of
my live-cut Christmas tree? Bob W., Tulsa

The best option is to
trim the smaller branches from your tree and place them in the garden as mulch.
They will decay over time and you will reap not only the benefits of mulch but
also the nutrients that it adds back to the soil. These limbs also may be added
to your compost pile as a source of green material to help balance the brown
material such as leaves. Both green (nitrogen source) and brown (carbon source)
are needed for the microbes that break down the material. The larger limbs and
stems must be used elsewhere.
For the fisherman,
sinking a bundle of evergreen trees creates a “hot-spot” or “magnet” in your
favorite fishing hole. Crappies love them! The whole tree may be added, usually
with others that are tied together, weighted with a concrete block and dropped
into your favorite spot, if allowed.
Another option is to
use the old tree as a temporary winter bird refuge, sanctuary and feeding
station. The fronds of needles make a good temporary shelter from wind and
predators. Treats such as peanut butter, suet and seed mixtures can be added as
winter food for the birds.
The last option before
placing the tree at curbside collection is to take it to the city of Tulsa’s
Green Waste Site, located at 2100 N. 145th East Ave. This site is open seven
days a week, 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., excluding city holidays. Only green waste is
accepted, such as trees, limbs and leaves. All are shredded for mulch.
Nonorganic material, such as Christmas decorations, lights,
The waste site
produces huge amounts of mulch that is available to anyone. There may even be a
machine to help load your truck. Wood that can be split for firewood is often
obtainable, as well. There is no charge for these services for Tulsans. You
must have a valid driver’s license or a utility bill showing a Tulsa address;
otherwise, there is a small fee. It is possible to take a load of neighborhood
trees to the site and perhaps come home with a load of free mulch and/or free firewood.
Lastly, the city of
Tulsa curbside pickup service will collect trees. In December and January,
residents may put trees at the curb on their primary collection day. All
decorations must be removed and trees need to be cut into 4-foot sections to
fit into the hopper of the refuse trucks. This collection is not for artificial
trees, which need to go in the gray trash cart. The live trees are not actually
recycled but, instead, are incinerated along with the other green waste
collected in Tulsa.
Garden tips
- Any green weed in dormant
(brown) Bermuda lawns may now be sprayed with glyphosate, found in Roundup
and many others. This will kill anything green but will not hurt the
Bermuda. Glyphosate cannot be used on dormant zoysia grass or tall fescue
lawns at any time.
- Control overwintering insects
on deciduous trees or shrubs with horticultural oil sprays in dormant
concentrations applied when the temperature is above 40 degrees in late
fall and winter. Do not use “dormant” oils on evergreens.
- Make sure indoor plants are
receiving enough light; set up an indoor fluorescent plant light.
- Till garden plots without a cover
crop to further expose garden pests to harsh winter conditions.
- Visit the Master Gardeners
office at the OSU Tulsa County Extension Building to obtain gardening fact
sheets for the upcoming gardening season. The office is located at 4116 E.
15th St.
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