Spring Vegetable Planting
Tom Ingram: Ask a
Master Gardener
Sunday, March 04, 2018
Q: When can I start my
vegetable garden? MA

For example,
oftentimes people will say St. Patrick’s Day is when to plant potatoes. There is
no potato magic in St. Patrick’s Day, other than in a normal year you are
probably OK planting on this day. The truth about when to plant is based on the
best soil temperature for planting potatoes.
According to the OSU
Extension, soil temps need to be above 50 degrees before we plant potatoes. At
the writing of this article, soil temps are hovering around 46 degrees. So, we
are getting close, and if the weather continues on as we expect, we will likely
have a soil temp above 50 degrees by St. Patrick’s Day. But give us a few warm
days and an expectation that spring is on the way and we could plant them
Peppers are easy to
grow in Oklahoma and have the benefit of being a versatile crop. However,
peppers are sensitive to temperature. Air temperatures of below 60 degrees or
above 90 degrees can prevent fruit set, which can limit the growing window in
So, how do Oklahoma
gardeners get around this? Because cold soils do not encourage germination, it
is common for gardeners to start seeds indoors so they will be ready to go when
it warms up.
If you have been to
any of the garden centers in northeast Oklahoma recently, you will have noticed
racks of seeds and seed-starting supplies. Many of us have already gotten our
seeds started and can’t wait to get these little ones in the ground.
But the time to plant
these transplants still depends on soil temperature and when the danger of a
freeze has passed. In northeast Oklahoma, we typically say that date is April
15. Many of us have a hard time waiting that long and tend to plant before that
date. However, if you do, you should be ready to cover your plants if a
late-season snow arrives.
Now, you may be
saying, all this talk about soil temperature, how am I supposed to know that?
In Oklahoma, we have a wonderful resource called the Mesonet. The Mesonet is a
joint project between OU and OSU with at least one weather-monitoring station
in each county.
You can visit mesonet.org for an abundance of weather
information, including rainfall and soil temperatures. We also have an
abundance of resources on our website to help you grow better vegetables.
Garden tips
- Our yearly Urban Gardener
classes begin March 15. Topics include plant botany, soil, growing fruits
and vegetables, flowers, trees and shrubs, and turf.
- We will also be conducting our
educational Lunch & Learn classes at the Tulsa Central Library
downtown beginning March 20.
- One of our most anticipated
events is currently underway: The Master Gardener Plant Sale. You can
choose from 211 plants including annuals, perennials, grasses, herbs and
- To sign up or find out more
information on any of these programs, visit our website,
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