Pruning Trees and Shrubs
Brian Jervis: Ask A Master Gardener
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Q: I need to do some trimming and pruning on our
trees and shrubs. Is now a good time to do that? MA

We prune for a variety of reasons:
training and shaping the plant, thinning for better air circulation and health,
removal of dead branches, stimulating new growth or flowers, or to keep plants
away from our homes or other structures.
One thing to remember is to never remove
more than about a third of the branches. If you do a good job pruning, your
work will not be noticeable. It will look natural and not like you were
trimming with a vengeance. This un-natural manner of trimming can be seen all
over town in what we gardeners call “crape murder” (the over-aggressive
trimming of crape myrtles you see in the photo and all over
Here are some general rules on when to
Flowering trees, shrubs and vines
typically should not be pruned in the winter as many of these set the flower
buds for the next year in the summer. Most hydrangeas fall into this category
(except the Oak Leaf variety). If you have not been getting flowers on your
hydrangeas, have you been cutting back those dead-looking stems in the fall or
winter? They can be a little unsightly, but the best time to prune these is
after their blooming burst in the spring so they will have time to set buds for
the following year. Other shrubs that fall into this category are flowering
quince, forsythia, viburnum and wisteria.
Another group is the summer-flowering
varieties, such as abelia, butterfly bush or Rose of Sharon. These should be
pruned in the fall or early spring.
There is also a category of broadleaf
evergreen plants like acuba, camellia, boxwood, cherry laurel, holly, mahonia,
nandina and photinia. These are best pruned in the spring before new growth
Tree trimming and pruning is typically
best left to trained professionals. I know, a lot of us consider ourselves
chain-saw warriors, but there is a difference between cutting up a branch that
fell to the ground and successfully cutting that several hundred-pound branch
off a tree. Typically, this type of work is better left in the hands of a
trained arborist. Tulsa is fortunate to have several arborists to from which to
choose. To find a good arborist, we suggest you visit
This is the national database of arborists. Their website will help you find a local
licensed arborist who will meet your needs.
We have an extensive list of different
varieties of how to trim on our website. We also have a video on how to plants
that include recommendations on when and properly trim crape myrtles. You can
find this and more information on our website,,
by clicking the “Hot Topics” button on the home page. Good luck and stay safe.
Garden tips
birds need and appreciate clean feeders and unfrozen water on cold days. Place
feeders close to protective shelter, if possible.
sure to keep your Christmas tree watered to keep if from drying out.
prunings of evergreens can be used for holiday decorations. Be careful with sap
that can mar surfaces.
seeded fescue will continue to grow roots and make energy if you keep them free
of leaves.
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