Many ways to dispose of
Christmas trees
Brian Jervis: Ask a Master Gardener
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Q: Will the city of Tulsa pick up my
Christmas tree after the holidays? Glenda, Tulsa
Trees will be picked up
curbside after the holidays on your primary collection day. The trees should be
6 feet long or less or trimmed to 6 feet if need be.
Trees may be recycled into mulch two ways.
First, Southwood Landscape and Garden Center, 9025 S. Lewis Ave., and Owasso
Tree and Berry Farm will take live-cut trees and grind them for recycling. You
need not have bought your tree from these businesses for them to accept it.
Another way to recycle your tree, if you are
able, is to take it to the City of Tulsa’s Green Waste Site. It is located at
2100 N. 145th East Ave. and is open seven days a week 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
closing only on city holidays. The service is free with proof of Tulsa
residency. At the green waste site, you may also obtain all of the free wood chip mulch you may need. In addition, free firewood is on site.
Trees also make great winter bird sanctuaries in
your landscape. They offer a place out of the wind and cold, as well as
protecting them from predators. The addition of peanut butter and suet to the
limbs is a good energy source for birds and a good project for children.
The smaller limbs and fronds can be removed and
be either added to the compost bin or in the garden bed as a mulch, the
remaining trunk used as a stake in the garden. Another option for the fisherman
is to sink a bundle in a local lake or pond, creating a fish shelter,
especially for crappie.
Q: What is the best way to store pecans and
what is the storage life? K. S., Tulsa
Pecans can be stored and
maintain good quality if certain guidelines are followed. They should be
harvested as soon as they fall from the tree. If not, they will absorb
moisture, begin to deteriorate and become rancid and discolored. Whether
shelled or not, they should then be allowed to dry at room temperature with
good air circulation for about two weeks.
Pecans should be stored airtight in a solid
plastic or glass sealable container or a heavy duty sealable plastic bag. They
survive best in a refrigerator and the colder the storage, the longer quality
is maintained. If left exposed in the refrigerator, they pick up odors of other
foods, which will spoil the taste. Generally, unshelled pecans last a few
months longer than shelled ones at any temperature.
Typically, shelled pecans stored at 70 degrees
should last 3-4 months, those at 32 degrees 12 months, at 20 degrees 18 months
and at 0 degrees for a few years.
Garden tips
§ Poinsettias must have at least six hours of
bright, indirect light daily. Keep plants away from drafts.
§ Now is a good time to fertilize spring blooming
bulb plants such as daffodils. Their leaves are now growing and emerging from
the ground and can use extra nitrogen fertilizer. Now and in the fall are the
best times to fertilize these plants rather than after blooming. After blooming
they go dormant. Most tulips are grown as annuals and do not need fertilizer.
§ Wait to prune fruit and other trees and shrubs
trees until late winter and early spring. Don’t prune spring blooming shrubs
such as azaleas until after blooming is competed.