Time for Fall Vegetable Garden is Now
Tom Ingram: Ask a
Master Gardener
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
Q: I want to try a fall
vegetable garden this year. What does well here in Oklahoma and when do I
plant? N.J., Tulsa
Vegetables grown in
fall gardens can be divided into two categories: tender vegetables, which need
to be harvested before the frost, and semi-hardy vegetables that can continue
to grow and be harvested through several frosts.
Examples of tender
vegetables would be beans (bush, pole, lima), cilantro, corn, cucumber,
eggplant, pepper, pumpkin, squash and tomatoes. Semi-hardy vegetables would
include beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, potatoes, kale, lettuce, peas,
radish, spinach and swiss chard.
The brutally hot
temperatures we often have in July and August demand we pay special attention
to any vegetables we intend to direct seed in our fall gardens. As a rule,
seeds should be planted no deeper than three times the diameter of the seed.
With small seeds, such as carrots, this would mean planting no more than
1/4-inch deep. At these depths, hot soil temperatures will discourage
germination. Supplemental watering or perhaps shade cloths will be needed to
reduce soil temperatures so germination can occur.
The good news is many
of our fall vegetables can be started from seed indoors, which helps us avoid
having to deal with the soil temperature issue. Plants that perform well as
transplants include cucumbers, squash, peppers, pumpkins and tomatoes. Before
moving transplants into the garden, they should be conditioned or toughened by
reducing watering and exposing them to full sunlight in limited amounts.
If space allows,
potatoes are also a wonderful fall garden crop. Seed potatoes need to go in the
ground the first two weeks of August to complete growing before the first
The first of September
is the time to plant garlic, leeks and onions, as they will continue to grow
through the winter for a harvest in late spring the following year.
We have several fact
sheets from OSU, which not only provide you with the planting dates for fall
crops but also contain recommended varieties of vegetables that can be grown
successfully in Oklahoma. Just give us a call, drop by our office, or check our
website, tulsamastergardeners.org.
We are here to help.
You can get answers to
all your gardening questions by calling the Tulsa Master Gardeners Help Line at
918-746-3701, dropping by our Diagnostic Center at 4116 E. 15th Street, or by
emailing us at mg@tulsamastergardeners.org.
- Vigorous, unwanted limbs should
be removed or shortened on new trees. Watch for forks in the main trunk
and remove the least desirable trunk as soon as it is noticed.
- Most varieties of mums are more
productive if “pinched back” now. Either pinch off with fingers or cut to
remove an inch or so of limb tips above a leaf. This results in the growth
of new limbs and a fuller plant. Do not pinch after mid-July or it will
interfere with fall blooming.
- Watch for tiny, sap-sucking
insects called aphids on roses, perennial flowers, shrubs and vegetables
(especially tomatoes). They produce a sticky substance called “honeydew.”
Many can be dislodged with a hard spray from your garden hose, or two
applications of insecticidal soap will usually greatly reduce any aphid
damage to your plants.
- Crape myrtles are one of the
few shrubs that should be planted in the middle of summer. Growth of new
roots of these plants occurs best with summer soil temperatures.
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